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7 Tips to Embrace the Slow Living Movement of 2023

7 Tips to Embrace the Slow Living Movement of 2023

We could all use a slower approach to life. Slow living means a less is more approach to life and is becoming increasingly popular as an opposing outlook to the hyper-productive lifestyle, which can lead to stress, fatigue and mental health issues.

When we slow down we lose our worries, our stress and our need to control. Living slowly allows the beauty of the world around us and discover our place within it. Our everyday life goes from one of stress to nourishment of the mind, body and soul.

What does a slow life look like? Imagine the feeling of standing on a cliff and watching the sun rise over the sea, soaking in the early morning light and crisp salty air with nowhere else to be. Imagine walking slowly through a forest, listening to the orchestra of nature whilst light dances through the trees. Imagine the comforting combination of freshly brewed coffee, a good book, and a rainy Sunday afternoon.

A slower life philosophy allows us to simply be alive in the moment and can help bring meaning, purpose and nourishment to our lives.


What is Slow Living?

Slow living is a way of life. A slow living lifestyle where you try to live in a more intentional and purposeful way, for the benefit of your mental and physical health.

Slow Living Mentally

Slow living is a movement that encourages you to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. It encourages you to stay in the present moment, show gratitude, reflect, and find happiness in your own life.

Slow Living Physically

Slow living means slowing down physically: taking walks instead of driving, taking care of our bodies, and spending time enjoying nature and all of the other wonderful things that make us feel relaxed and grounded.

No matter your situation, a slower approach to living can improve your holistic well being and help you discover a meaningful life.

The Benefits of Slow Living

Slow living is about slowing down and simplifying your life to spend more time doing things you love. It's about making sure that the things you do have a purpose, and that they're not just distractions from what really matters.

When you're living a slow life, you're less likely to get stressed out or bogged down by the little details of daily life. Instead, you'll be able to focus on what matters most and prioritise the stuff that really matters (like spending quality time with friends and family).

Here are some of the benefits that come from taking it slow:

You'll be Happier

Everything from your relationships to your career can benefit from slowing down.

You'll Have More Time to Relax

You'll have more time for yourself, which means more time for rest and relaxation—and maybe even fun!

You'll be Healthier

A slower pace of life means less stress and less pressure on your body, which leads to better sleep, fewer health problems overall, and more energy to enjoy the things you love doing.

A Slow Approach to Everyday Life

If you're not careful, it's easy to get caught up in the fast pace of modern life. Social media, busy schedules and buzzing notifications are all sworn enemies of the slow living movement.

Here's a selection of slow living tips to help you create a slower lifestyle for a more balanced life.

7 Slow Living Tips

1. Dedicate More Time to Sleep

Getting enough good, quality sleep is paramount to a healthy and happy life. Slow living encourages a more mindful approach to sleep by dedicating time in the evening to relax your body and mind, creating the right environment for quality sleep (sleep hygiene).

2. Spend Time in Your Favourite Environment

Slow living means allowing yourself to spend time being present in places you love. Whether it's the beach, forests, mountains, sitting on your paddle board on a calm lake, or just in your living room next to the fire, spend time in your happy place and simply be.

3. Seek a Stronger Connection With Nature

Scientific research consistently confirms a correlation between happiness and time spent in nature. The natural world can bring peace and harmony to your life and the back-to-basis approach of ecotherapy can help you discover what really matters to you.

4. Spend Time with Yourself

It can be hard to take time for yourself to think about what you value and what makes you happy. That's why slow living is so important — alone time helps us slow down long enough to consider these questions, so we can make sure we're spending our time on things that truly matter. 

5. Meditate Everyday

Meditation and slow living go hand-in-hand. Meditation is an easy practice to start and can open a door to a slower and more relaxed life. If you need help getting started, here's a beginner's guide to meditation practices and techniques.

6. Embrace Mindfulness

Slow and simple living asks you to be mindful of the time spent on activities that don't matter as much as they once did—like scrolling through social media or working at a job you don't love. Spend time being mindful of your mind, body and soul by removing distractions and living in the present moment. Intentional living puts us on the path to happiness.

Discover more ways to embrace mindfulness in your everyday life.

7. Connect With Friends and Family

Slow living encourages you to be present for your friends and family members instead of just checking in with them on your phone. Talking to your loved ones and listening without distraction will benefit your relationships and your own happiness.

Slow Down

We live in a fast-paced world. A lifestyle emphasising slower approaches can ultimately lead to a happier and simpler life. We don't get long on this beautiful planet of ours, so be sure to make the most of every moment.

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